MobileActive on the wires...

The story on an environmental organization offering ringtones with the sounds of endangered species -- save the frog with a free ringtone - that we wrote about a while back, was picked up by the Associated Press and made it to some national papers a few days ago. 

Susan Montoya from the AP wrote the story that was featured in media such as US News and World Report:

"Amid the cacophony of cellphone ringtones these days, add these: the clickety-click-click of a rare Central American poison arrow dart frog, the howl of a Mexican gray wolf and the bellows of an Arctic beluga whale. An environmental group is hoping that the more people hear these sounds from threatened animals, the more they'll wonder where they came from — and question the fate of the animals and birds that make them.

"The point here is education and inspiration," said Michael Robinson, a conservation advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity's office in Pinos Altos, N.M.

Like other activist groups, the center is looking to the immediate attention cellphones can bring to its cause. Already, some 24,000 people have downloaded the rare rings for free from the center's website....

Katrin Verclas, executive director of the Non-profit Technology Network and a coordinator with, said there's a lot to be learned as campaigns — both political and social — try new ways to connect with people.

"Non-profits have been using online tools such as websites and e-mail to get out a message, but the handwriting is on the wall as far as the possibilities for mobile devices to be added to that mix," she said. "Mobile phones are just another piece of the equation. There is still so much room for experimentation."

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