How to Record Audio on a Mobile Phone

Posted by MelissaUlbricht on Jun 21, 2010

We are very interested in the role of mobile phones in citizen media, including how mobile phones can function as a portable newsroom or radio studio. To that end, our latest how-to guide, Mobile Audio Recording in the Field (and how to get a clear sound on the streets), walks you through the process of recording audio content on your mobile phone, whether you are recording from a studio, your home, or in the field.

This how-to is part of the Mobile Media Toolkit, which includes many other case studies, how-to guides, resources, and tools to use mobile phones for reporting, content delivery, and citizen participation.

The how-to provides:

  • Tips for recording clear-sounding audio from your mobile phone (such as how you can set up a mobile recording studio using just cushions).
  • An outline of several tools for creating, editing, and sharing audio content based upon the resources you have at hand.

We will continue to pay close attention to how mobile phones and radio are being used together for citizen media around the world. Stay tuned for a “State of Mobile and Radio” report as well as the Mobile Media Toolkit, both to be released this summer. And, if you are aware of other tools for creating clear audio reports from your mobile phone, please add a comment.

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