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mobiles for good

MobileActive07! Register now (and don't let travel costs be the barrier) meets again! Join us for the second MobileActive gathering, this year at Mobilefest, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. MobileActive07 will take place November 24-25, 2007.

Thanks to our generous underwriters, we have now partial travel scholarships available for NGO staff using mobiles who would otherwise be unable to attend. REGISTER for MobileActive07 and check the 'scholarship' option and we'll be in touch with you.

Why should you come?

We know that you are interested and passionate about what the mobile revolution means for social good. and Mobilefest have partnered to bring together leading thinkers, practitioners and technologist in the mobile revolution from around the world to explore how mobiles are fundamentally changing the way we organize ourselves, do business, and make the world a better place.