
January Events Round-Up

Posted by AnneryanHeatwole on Jan 04, 2010

The new year is kicking off with an assortment of events on the development and techie sides. Here are some of the events that we found to be noteworthy:

Mobile Tech Salon,  20 January, New York: Hosted by MobileActive.org, it's a regular gathering of people passionate about mobile technology for social change. Motto:  We bring the beer (and wine)!  Bring your projects, passions, tools, and conversation. This month's theme:  Mobile Campaigning and Tools on a Shoestring: What is Possible?  Advisable?

International CES 7-10 January, Las Vegas, USA: CES is the world's largest technology trade show, attracting more than 2,500 exhibitors and showcasing over 20,000 new products.