events roundup

October Events Roundup

Posted by AnneryanHeatwole on Oct 04, 2011

A new month brings new events, so check out everything that's happening in mobile-for-development land this October!

  • 4-7 October  STAR-TIDES Technology Demo (Washington, D.C., USA) This free Tech@State event "showcases innovative, low-cost, sustainable technologies for stressed populations, post-war, post-disaster, and impoverished [communities]." Visitors can interact with the technology and there will be live demonstrations throughout the event. 
  • 4-7 October  Planet of the Apps Europe (London, UK) If you're looking for an event that focuses on the business side of mobile development, Planet of the Apps highlights mobile strategies and opportunities for developers, manufacturers, operators, and marketers.
  • 6-7 October  DroidCon UK (London, UK) Love Android? The latest DroidCon is a two-day event for Android developers; the first day features a community-led Barcamp and a democamp where developers can showcase their work and lead discussions, while the second day features presentations from top Android developers.
  • 14-16 October  Data Without Borders (New York City, USA) Do you have data you want analyzed? Data Without Borders is hosting a kickoff "datadive," a weekend of bringing together NGOs with data experts for free consultations and data analyzations. 
  • 18-20 October  RIM DevCon Americans (San Francisco, USA) Want to learn how to develop for the BlackBerry platform? The two-day DevCon Americas is a "showcase for the latest innovations and breakthroughs with the BlackBerry Development Platform. Thousands of BlackBerry enthusiasts come together for sessions, demonstrations, hands-on labs and keynotes — all focused on creating mobile applications for the powerful BlackBerry platform."
  • 27-28 October  Tech4Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa) Tech4Africa looks at mobile, web, and emerging technology in Africa. The event has panel discussions, workshops, and Ignite pitches examining trends in technology and information, specifically for the African market.

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March Events Round-Up

Posted by AnneryanHeatwole on Feb 25, 2011

2-3 March, Mobile Banking Southern Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa) This conference focuses on the potential of mobile banking for Southern Africa. Panelists will lead discussions on everything from mobile banking security to exploring ways to bring m-payments to the unbanked. If you want to learn more about how mobile banking is affecting Southern Africa, this is the event for you. 

7-9 March, AnDevCon (San Francisco, USA)
If you're interested in building and monetizing Android apps, check out  AnDevCon for workshops, classes and presentations about ways to build for the Android OS.

February Events Round Up

Posted by AnneryanHeatwole on Jan 31, 2011

February is here and it's a big month for mobile technology and social development events! Read on for a roundup of what's happening this month, and please feel free to add your own events in the comments.

7-11 February, Social Media Week (worldwide) Nokia is sponsoring Social Media Week, a worldwide series of events that focuses on technology and social media. While not all the events are mobile-related, check out the website for details about events in New York City, San Francisco, Rome, Paris, Toronto, Sao Paulo, London, Hong Kong and Istanbul.

10 February, Open UN - Engagement in the Age of Real-Time (New York City) Global Pulse is participating in Social Media Week, hosting a series of panels and presentations. This event focuses on using innovative technology during crises, creating open governments, and using technology to gather and disseminate real-time information.