Family Planning via Mobile Phones: Proof-of-Concept Testing in India (CycleTel)

Posted by MohiniBhavsar on Aug 13, 2010
Katherine Sarah Lavoie, Victoria H. Jennings, Meredith Puleio, Priya Jha, Rebecka Lundgren
Publication Date: 
Nov 2009
Publication Type: 
Institute for Reproductive Health Georgetown University, FAM Project, USAID
Publication language: 

Results of proof-of-concept testing for an mHealth solution for reproductive health in Uttar Pradesh, India. The text messaging tool based on FrontlineSMS, is a family planning service that relies on the Standard Day Method system of birth control. This method of birth control depends on the woman's fertility cycles to avoid pregnancy. Women can text the date of their menses and user receives their fertility status. Additionally, women can receive information about other family planning options, and support. Presented are observations on the appropriatenss of the technology from focus group discussions. The authors share the input given by target users in the product and service design. Women tested the solution to give insight on feasibility and design.

Lavoie, K.S., Jennings, V.H., Puleio, M., Jha, P., and Lundgren, R. (2009). Family Planning via Mobile Phones: Proof-of-concept Testing in India. Georgetown University; Institute for Reproductive Health, India. Presented at International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in Kampala, Uganda.
Family Planning via Mobile Phones: Proof-of-Concept Testing in India (CycleTel) data sheet 2285 Views
Katherine Sarah Lavoie, Victoria H. Jennings, Meredith Puleio, Priya Jha, Rebecka Lundgren
Publication Date: 
Nov 2009
Publication Type: 
Institute for Reproductive Health Georgetown University, FAM Project, USAID
Publication language: 

Results of proof-of-concept testing for an mHealth solution for reproductive health in Uttar Pradesh, India. The text messaging tool based on FrontlineSMS, is a family planning service that relies on the Standard Day Method system of birth control. This method of birth control depends on the woman's fertility cycles to avoid pregnancy. Women can text the date of their menses and user receives their fertility status. Additionally, women can receive information about other family planning options, and support. Presented are observations on the appropriatenss of the technology from focus group discussions. The authors share the input given by target users in the product and service design. Women tested the solution to give insight on feasibility and design.

Lavoie, K.S., Jennings, V.H., Puleio, M., Jha, P., and Lundgren, R. (2009). Family Planning via Mobile Phones: Proof-of-concept Testing in India. Georgetown University; Institute for Reproductive Health, India. Presented at International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in Kampala, Uganda.

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