
How to Add Location Information to Mobile Content

Posted by MelissaUlbricht on Feb 27, 2011
How to Add Location Information to Mobile Content data sheet 5291 Views
Melissa Ulbricht

This how-to focuses on the tools and techniques that you can use to add location-based information to mobile content.

Map Marker Location information can add value to your stories  and content and can help journalists who report on specific communities, reporters who create venue-specific multimedia, or citizen journalists who cover events in which location is relevant.

Location information has many advantages: It provides more context. It helps journalists and publishers find an interested audience; users searching for information around specific locations will most easily find information that is tagged with a location. Location information lends itself to aggregation; content with location information can be put on maps and other visualizations, which makes it more appealing for audiences to examine. Through this, it can be used in pattern-finding. Aggregations may show interesting patterns that would not be evident from individual reports. Finally, location information can leverage social media.