
Lessons learned: Reflections on M4D Projects

Posted by MelissaUlbricht on Mar 03, 2011

With the increasing number of projects in this mobile-for-change field, there have been a fair share of failures.  We have tried to analyze those with project leaders in our series of FailFaires.

But a project does not need to be a failure to an provide an opportunity for public evaluation, reflection, and dialogue, as we see in a recent series of posts. We were excited to see posts that take an introspective approach: these entries assess program effectiveness, identify gaps in M4D projects, and discuss challenges and solutions in the field.

A post on the Grameen Foundation blog discusses a control trial to asses the impact of a mobile for health project in Uganda:

..We recently completed one of the first randomized control trials designed to assess the impact of a mobile phone-driven health service aimed at improving the lives of the poor.