SMS A Secret For A Good Cause

Posted by justinoberman on Jul 19, 2006

Picture 4-3 For those of you heavy readers in the mobile blogosphere you probably have already come across the news of Secret Deodorant#039s mobile campaign here in New York City in honor of the companies fiftieth anniversary which was yesterday.

193400835 9B0F782D71-1 Based on their already popular "Share Your Secret" campaign New Yorker#039s and the cities millions of tourist can now text in their secrets to 45719 and share them to Times Square, live on The Reuters Sign. The Secrets also appear as floating text on the Share Your Secret web page. But what people may or may not have realized is that while they where getting some stuff off their chest they where also helping provide funding for a good cause at the same time.

The promotion, you see, was also a benefit for “Dress for Success”, an organization that helps disadvantaged women transition back into the workplace. According to Secret for each secret told Secret Deoderant will donate $1 (up to 150,000).

As more and more marketers are realizing the high impact politics is having on mobile response rates I think they are catching on to how powerful cause marketing can be in this field.

While the cell phone is a personal device and people are antsy about letting marketing on their phone, they are a little less antsy about using their mobile for a good cause.

The campaign only lasted one day.

SMS A Secret For A Good Cause

"Based on their already popular "Share Your Secret" campaign" and lifted directly from PostSecret.

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