Control Arms -- Using Mobiles for Petition Campaign

Posted by KatrinVerclas on Jan 20, 2006

Control Arms, a joint campaign of Oxfam, Amnesty, and Iansa, is running the 'Million Faces' campaign to push for an international arms trade treaty.  Mobile users can upload teir picture and join the petition via their mobile phones in the UK (curiously this is not mentioned anywhere on the site..)

Here is how it works: To join the call for an international arms treaty on a mobile phone, participants text the word 'petition' followed by their full name to a number in the UK (84118) and their name is automatically added to the Million Faces petition.  Alternatively, they can upload their picture (to 07955 474747) with their name and age and their photo will be added to the petition. 

Fahamu in the MobileActive network pioneered the use of sms for petitions with their two campaigns in Africa -- see the MobileActive case study describing 'texting for social change' here.

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