MobileActive in the Economist, NY Times, and Canadian Broadcasting Service

Posted by CorinneRamey on Apr 13, 2008

MobileActive has been in the news this week, including in a special section on 'mobility' in the Economist, titled "A World of Witnesses." The article discusses various ways that mobile phones have been used for social good, including in health, election monitoring, and recording human rights abuses. From the article:

The sheer ubiquity of mobile phones amounts to "the biggest leap in history, bigger than the printing press, which, after all, stayed in the hands of very few people," says Katrin Verclas, who runs, a website and community of about 3,000 activists and NGOs all over the world. [Note: It's now about 8,000 registered users on the site/] Even quite basic features such as text messaging, she says, have already allowed countless people everywhere to get more involved in areas traditionally reserved for "activists". The snazzy new features and internet access now coming to mobile phones will expand the possibilities yet again.

Click here for the entire article.

This Canadian Broadcasting Company documentary, Cell Phones: The Ring Heard Around the World, also includes an interview with Katrin Verclas and a mention of the MILLEE project, which MobileActive wrote about here.

Just for fun, David Pogue mentions on his blog, the "weird little site" Joe Lee from CitizenSpeak and Katrin Verclas from conceived for user-generated political ringtones in the 2008 election in the united States.

Catherine Geanuracos, Katrin's partner at Calder Strategies and her campaign YrMomma4Obama - was featured in the New York Times this week in a long article on how young voters influence their parents.

It's been a great week for press for us. Mainstream press is getting it. Will you?

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