Why CDC Cares about Mobile Health

Posted by LeighJaschke on Jun 19, 2009
Nall, Janice R.
Publication Type: 
Publication Date: 
Feb 2008
Center for Disease Control ans Prevention Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service. National Center for Health Marketing

This presentation was given by Janice Nall at the Center for Disease Control (Division of eHealth Marketing (eHealth)) at the Texting4Health conference in Palo Alto in February of 2008. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab hosted “Texting4Health,” the premiere conference on how mobile text messaging can promote better health. In February and March of 2008. The event was co-sponsored by the CDC and Stanford University and others. Janice Nall about using SMS to improve health behavior, with the imperative:

“Text messaging is the only viable interactive means of reaching people on a massive scale around the world. This event will highlight the significant, untapped potential for changing health behavior through this channel.”

Global Regions: 
Nall, Janice R. (2008). Why the CDC Cares About Mobile Health: Texting4Health Conference. Palo Alto, February 2008
Why CDC Cares about Mobile Health data sheet 1342 Views
Nall, Janice R.
Publication Type: 
Publication Date: 
Feb 2008
Center for Disease Control ans Prevention Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service. National Center for Health Marketing

This presentation was given by Janice Nall at the Center for Disease Control (Division of eHealth Marketing (eHealth)) at the Texting4Health conference in Palo Alto in February of 2008. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab hosted “Texting4Health,” the premiere conference on how mobile text messaging can promote better health. In February and March of 2008. The event was co-sponsored by the CDC and Stanford University and others. Janice Nall about using SMS to improve health behavior, with the imperative:

“Text messaging is the only viable interactive means of reaching people on a massive scale around the world. This event will highlight the significant, untapped potential for changing health behavior through this channel.”

Global Regions: 
Nall, Janice R. (2008). Why the CDC Cares About Mobile Health: Texting4Health Conference. Palo Alto, February 2008

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