Crowdsourcing Critical Success Factor Model

Posted by MohiniBhavsar on Jul 09, 2010
Ankit Sharma
Publication Type: 
Report/White paper
Publication Date: 
Jan 2010
Publication language: 

Crowdsourcing, simply referring to the act of outsourcing a task to the crowd, is one of the most important trends revolutionizing the internet and the mobile market at present. This paper is an attempt to understand the dynamic and innovative discipline of crowdsourcing by developing a critical success factor model for it. The critical success factor model is based on the case study analysis of the mobile phone based crowdsourcing initiatives in Africa and the available literature on outsourcing, crowdsourcing and technology adoption. The model is used to analyze and hint at some of the critical attributes of a successful crowdsourcing initiative focused on socio-economic development of societies. The broader aim of the paper is to provide academicians, social entrepreneurs, policy makers and other practitioners with a set of recommended actions and an overview of the important considerations to be kept in mind while implementing a crowdsourcing initiative.

Sharma, Ankit. (2010). Crowdsourcing Critical Success Factor Model: Strategies to harness the collective intelligence of the crowd. Working Paper. LSE. Retrieved from
Crowdsourcing Critical Success Factor Model data sheet 3076 Views
Ankit Sharma
Publication Type: 
Report/White paper
Publication Date: 
Jan 2010
Publication language: 

Crowdsourcing, simply referring to the act of outsourcing a task to the crowd, is one of the most important trends revolutionizing the internet and the mobile market at present. This paper is an attempt to understand the dynamic and innovative discipline of crowdsourcing by developing a critical success factor model for it. The critical success factor model is based on the case study analysis of the mobile phone based crowdsourcing initiatives in Africa and the available literature on outsourcing, crowdsourcing and technology adoption. The model is used to analyze and hint at some of the critical attributes of a successful crowdsourcing initiative focused on socio-economic development of societies. The broader aim of the paper is to provide academicians, social entrepreneurs, policy makers and other practitioners with a set of recommended actions and an overview of the important considerations to be kept in mind while implementing a crowdsourcing initiative.

Sharma, Ankit. (2010). Crowdsourcing Critical Success Factor Model: Strategies to harness the collective intelligence of the crowd. Working Paper. LSE. Retrieved from

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